Gerae Stack
Gerae Stack is a... beautifully strong hot mess of a human being. I'll even let you in on a secret, she is completely comfortable with that. She has a BA in dance and two yoga certifications to compliment it. Most of her jobs have involved working with children from teaching dance, yoga, swim lessons, to being a para professional at a federal setting four special education school. In 2018 she chose to chase one of her dreams and started the process of making her clothing brand "longerae" a reality. She launched her brand on January 10, 2019 in a show she curated and produced called 'Bedroom Floor.' The night included a social hour with different stations that promoted self love, a burlesque dance group, live music, and her own "runway" show which she executed in dances she choreographed. Her second show took place in June, and though not as monetarily successful as the first she learned a lot and enjoyed the process just the same. Gerae is a dreamer. The things that restore her energy are not found in things but rather in places and people and movement and meditation practices. She is not perfect, she drinks whisky, she avoids her mat, she ignores her problems, she falls for the wrong men, she gives too much when she knows it would be wiser to step away. Gerae is essentially a breathing being who is in a constant dance of trying to figure it out.
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Poetry & Art

As We Dance

by Gerae Stack