Mental Wellness


I do not know about you, but for me, 20/20 has been a gut-wrenching year of clarity, a time where reassessment and re-evaluation of myself and the world worked full throttle to the point of exhaustion. Some lessons reaffirmed while others have sadly proven to be the norm.

In some form or another, all of us are in pain. How we heal is the question at hand. Too often, instead of healing, we outwardly rage, affecting those closest to us. I think we are learning those effects are more widespread than our homes, communities, countries. It is global. Connectivity is not just tech it’s human.

When looking for solutions, we forget to begin internally.  Externally, we receive, Band-Aids becoming more angered by the shortfalls meant to solve very little. As cliché as it sounds, one person can and does make the difference.

Healing is the order of the NEW YEAR.

We could spend all 2021 discussing innumerable tragedies that rocked us to our core, inequalities that seem never to balance, pieces we may never recapture.


I’m so grateful for the buts in this world, LOL! But 20/20’s clarity created something more.

Renewed HOPE!

Hope for change and the faith we can achieve it, globally.

Disruption brings change. This year ushered in changed. Change in how we work, function in society, but importantly how we value life.

  • Yes, it’s an uphill battle to see the world become more peaceful, equitable, inclusive.
  • Yes, it can happen overnight, but certainly not with some of our current systems in place.
  • Yes, we can give voice to our pain without stigma or shame.

Change is worthy of a fight. Through communicating with others, we found community.

No, we are not alone in our struggles.

Always the consummate learner, I spent this time listening, lending, and learning tons of new things. Narrowing the list of importance: Be mindful of self, others, and time. Lastly, individualism is a gift to be savored and shared.

Embrace the unique human being you are or become. It’s satisfying to uplift others, but don’t forget to celebrate yourself. We may never have had the time or pleasure of this much-needed introspection without necessities caused by this centuries-old life-altering event in history. Please, tune out negativity and tap into the positive.

Tradition dictates we create New Year’s resolutions to tackle in the upcoming year. I recommend we continue tapping into our introspective talents. #2021TAPIN 

by S .M. Penn

Proud African American writer, Social influenc'er, pathfinder introducing AUTHENTIC balance for higher consciousness with a heavy dose of Self-Love, humor and deep-seated thinking...

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