Mental Wellness

Hack’in It

I call this time of year the PRE-GUILTING stage (PGS) of life. It’s when we begin to reflect on the sum of experiences, opportunities, and connections we may or may not have taken advantage of, racking our brains, making mental notes of those things we did or didn’t do and why.

We have far too many responsibilities than to add more burdens on ourselves, but somehow like that one sock missing in the laundry, it happens. No rhythm or reason, it just does. Not to worry, if you’re a chronic PGS sufferer, I’ll lend you a technique I frequently use during this time as a de-stressor.

C.A.N. simple as 1-2-3

So, what is CAN? Well, C.A.N. isn’t just an action verb, but a customizable acronym to suit your individual needs.

As 20/20, Year of Clarity departs, collectively, we are full of a plethora of emotions, inner conflicts, and excessive thoughts about the future to the point of exhaustion. Not to mention it’s also the holiday season, the demand to please loved ones intensifies times a thousand. Our emotions have run the gamut from excitement to anger, all valid, all worth exploring. During this year’s PGS stage, I customized my C.A.N. in the following manner.:

Did I complete any goals, tasks, or desires I set for myself at the start of 20/20?

If the answer is yes, I give myself credit for finishing what I started, even if the list has remaining to-dos. One unavoidable obstacle we face in life is ourselves. We give credit to anyone and everyone, often to those that don’t deserve it but somehow forget self-validation. Probably because putting yourself first is considered selfish. In honesty, it is self-FULL.

Was I able to use what I have, the knowledge I possess, and the connections I maintain to maneuver the changes I encountered with success?

If the answer no, these are the areas requiring more investment so, I won’t miss any upcoming opportunities.

N = (SAY) NO

As previously stated, we know the fiercest rival in our lives first resides internally, backup unnecessary. We are learning to respect the fragility of time so, anything disrespecting that is no longer worth ours. If you have problems saying “goodbye” or “no,” my final suggestion is to get a backbone and some glasses. People that cause friction in others’ lives have no problem living their “best life,” without care for those they hurt. Putting yourself first isn’t a crime but a necessity.

In closing, 20/20 unexpectedly devastated us globally. Hopefully, as we strive towards unity, let’s not forget to put ourselves first and others in order of priority. Cease thinking you can accomplish a year’s worth of chores into one week/month. Take unnecessary pressure off your shoulders, provides more space for what you do want, not more of what you don’t.  Finally, appreciate yourself enough to give credit where credit is due, even with mistakes.

See you in 2021, Year of New Attitude.

If you like this article, check out: https://stories.harnessmagazine.com/the-most-wonderful-time-of-the-year/

by S .M. Penn

Proud African American writer, Social influenc'er, pathfinder introducing AUTHENTIC balance for higher consciousness with a heavy dose of Self-Love, humor and deep-seated thinking...

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