
How to Make Working From Home Work for You

When our “normal” life becomes unstable and we experience a big transition, such as working from home during a global pandemic, our focus tends to get away from us. Working from home is seen by many as the ideal job because of the flexibility it gives you to work on your own terms and take time off when needed.

Most people are sure they would be able to be productive in a work from home environment, but they fail to realize how much structure they lose when their work becomes their couch instead of an office.

Here are the best tips to make working from home, work for you:

Create a routine

Having a routine in place can be so beneficial for those who are working from home for the first time or for those who are not used to doing it full-time. A productive and positive, yet simple routine, can set the tone for the day and help you get into ‘work mode.”

However, having a healthy routine does not just help you to achieve your work goals, it will also help your mental and emotional well-being. Make sure you give yourself time to wake up before you get started on work so you can start with a clear head.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different aspects of your routine. Changing the time you wake up or the order you do things in is a simple way to do this.

One thing you should incorporate into your routine is changing your clothes. (Yes, you have to get out of your pajamas and put on real clothes.) This helps you prepare for the day mentally and you get into the mindset of going to work.

If your job is a 9-5, then continue that schedule at home. It is easy to lose track of time and get burnt out, so try to stick to your “normal” as much as possible. Setting specific hours for working can help you concentrate and get done what needs to be done, and when it is finished you can relax.

You must create a routine you find enjoyable because this will make it easier to form it into a habit.

Plan breaks

Even if you have a busy and hectic schedule you need to make time for breaks. Breaks are vital to your health and your creativity and taking the time to relax and recharge is just as important as getting the work done. This includes scheduling in a 30 minute or 1-hour lunch break.

Even though it is very tempting, do not work during your lunch break. Spend your break eating lunch, reading, go for a walk, or maybe take a much-needed nap. Your body snd mind will thank you!

Open your windows and get fresh air

It is important that you get fresh air at some point. Open your windows to let in as much fresh air and natural light as possible. The introduction of outdoor air is one important factor in promoting good air quality. Opening windows and doors, when the weather permits, increases the outdoor ventilation rate.

Spend time in the backyard if you have one, or take short walks if you live in an unpopulated area. Be sure to wash your hands when you return home.

Move your body

Get your blood flowing! Sitting down all day is not healthy and moving your body should be a priority if you are working from home. You may not realize how much more movement your body is used to if you do not typically work from home.

It is easy to sit down and work for hours on end when you get into that focus mode and you do not even realize how much time passes by since the last time you stood up and moved around.

Get rid of distractions

We all get distracted by texts, social media, and a variety of other things. If you constantly hear your phone go off or are checking your notifications then you will get little to no work done.

Turn your phone off if you do not need it, and if you do need it on for emergency/work purposes just set it across the room. This helps remove the urge to browse the internet or scroll on Instagram and allows you to work more efficiently.

It is hard to stay motivated when you are working from home for the first time and you will have to go through some trial and error to find what fits just right for you. This is not always an easy adjustment to make so be kind to yourself and anyone else working from home with you. Remember, this is only temporary and you are not alone.

by Harness Editor

Harness believes that freedom of expression equals female empowerment. The truth? We’re a badass authentic community of fierce women, and we exist to help your voice be heard. Harness is here to be your safe haven. A place to shed the competition, the insecurities. This is a place to rise by lifting others. This is who we are.


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