
How I Launched A Business While Pregnant

Most women will tell you not to make any major changes in your life when you’re expecting. But then, I’ve never been one for convention. So, the day after I found out I was pregnant, I put in my two-weeks notice at my cushy tech job and set out to launch my own creative marketing consultancy.

Not even 24 hours had passed since I saw those two pink lines on my third test (because every good entrepreneur needs at least three sources to confirm a theory) before I made one of the most life-changing decisions anyone can make.

While the news of my pregnancy was met with joy and a few It’s about dang time! responses from most, my plans to start a business received some cautionary replies like Are you sure you want to do this?, What about health insurance?, What are you going to do once the baby comes? or the seemingly-supportive Well, you can always go get another job if it doesn’t work out, right? 

There’s merit to these questions. I was aware of how difficult the choice I was making was and the hardship it could bring to my budding family, but I had already decided to leave the company before I knew I would be adding another title to my resume: MOM. After some deliberation, multiple pros-and-cons lists and the full support of one very understanding hubby, I decided this was the right choice.

Now on the other side of signing my first few clients, I know this is the best possible time to be taking on both roles.

First Trimester: Navigating New Challenges

Never having had a baby or launched a company before, the first trimester of both were admittedly rocky. Besides the hustle and bustle of building a personal brand and establishing a clientele, I was dealing with perpetual exhaustion and morning sickness (which frequently lasted all day). On one occasion, I ducked out of a conversation with a very promising lead to sprint to the ladies’ room.

It was in this moment that I realized why so many women feel the need to sacrifice a career to start a family. This was not going to be easy.

Though some days were less productive than I would have liked, I pushed through and took advantage of my peak energy hours. Every morning, regardless if I was peeling myself out of bed or off of the bathroom floor, I’d journal, meditate or say my affirmations (Read: You don’t suck at this!) to keep my mindset in check. I created a clean and professional website for my business and used my network to get the word out about what I was doing. Plus, I networked my little butt off. With no business cards and little more than a Facebook ad, I started getting some leads that eventually converted to business.

Second Trimester: Forming Key Partnerships

It takes a village to launch a business, or at least to launch one successfully. In the first few months of my venture, I’ve been lucky enough to build relationships with mentors and form strategic partnerships that have landed me leads, additional freelance work and even an office space. But perhaps the most important partnership is the one I have at home.

It’s crucial in this first year to be selective with which clients and projects you take on, and being on the same page about that with your spouse is everything. My husband provides the emotional and financial support – as well as health benefits – that I need to get both business and baby off the ground (er, out of the womb). He also shares the responsibilities of our household which makes me feel more comfortable in planning for what the near future of my business will look like with a newborn. I’m excited to have the flexibility of occasionally working from home with our new baby girl when the time comes, but I know that there will be some late nights at the office, or client meetings that run over or evenings when I’m just too exhausted to figure out dinner. Having that support at home is one of the biggest assets for my business I could hope for.

Third Trimester: Keeping Perspective

One unexpected benefit of being pregnant while starting a business is how easy it is to let things go. Starting a family gives you an incredible perspective on what really matters. I don’t stress about having every answer, closing every lead or the day-to-day setbacks that come from being my own boss.  Somehow, despite my Type A personality, I have the ability to remain laser focused on the bigger picture; the fact that I’m not only doing this for myself and my husband, but for our little girl. My wish is that someday she will know that she doesn’t have to choose between family and career. She can be great at both. Nor will she have to stay in a job that doesn’t make her happy. She can choose to carve her own path as I am.

Ultimately, what keeps me going past the tough days of early entrepreneurship is the hope that she will be proud of her mama, and maybe even start a business and a family of her own one day.


Planning to start a business while raising a family or already have? Share your advice for other aspiring mompreneurs in the comments below.



Author: Robyn Young
Email: [email protected] 
Author Bio: Robyn Young is a branding specialist and compulsive maker of things. An ambitious young creative with a strong vision and eye for creativity, Robyn’s main focus is positive impact. With a professional pedigree that includes working in market research for top commercial brands like Nike and Target, as well as branded content for UCLA, Modern Luxury and Everyday Health, Robyn has a vast understanding of what sticks.

Now as the founder of her own brand strategy and design studio, she pours passion into everything she does – brainstorming unique brand strategies, overseeing the creative process, offering inspiration (and the occasional pep talk).
Link to social media or website: http://robynyoung.co


by Robyn Young

Robyn Young is a branding specialist and compulsive maker of things. An ambitious young creative with a strong vision and eye for creativity, Robyn's main focus is positive impact. With a professional pedigree that includes working in market research for top commercial brands like Nike and Target, as well as branded content for UCLA, Modern Luxury and Everyday Health, Robyn has a vast understanding of what sticks. Now as the founder of her own brand strategy and design studio, she pours passion into everything she does - brainstorming unique brand strategies, overseeing the creative process, offering inspiration (and the occasional pep talk).


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